Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I bin everywhere.....

Since April 16th I have been to Santa Clara , and Asilomar in California and Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia on teaching tours. What a whirlwind ! ALL the students created wonderful work, and I wanted to showthem off to everyone. In Santa Clara, I hooked up with some cyber friends ( QuiltMavericks to be pricise) that I had taught and visited with before, and as always, there were many giglgles at high decibal levels! At Asilomar, we had a whole week to really get to know each other, and during the THINK LIKE AN ARTIST workshop, everyone produced SO much work and seemed to be SO enthusiastic and hard working, that you just won't believe the results! Finally my trip to the East coast of Canada was so beautiful, as well as productive. I think Mahone Bay is about the prettiest part of Canada I have ever seen. I had a cottage by the ocean, and spent each morning sipping my coffee and watching the day begin over a tranquil bay ! Such a good time with the students too! Below see their exercises.....I think some are worthy of national show entries myself!

Santa Clara had a mini THINK LIKE AN ARTIST lasting 2 days.

Julie (a Maverick) rearranging printed fabrics and below, her linear exercise.

Dolores' linear study. Carolyn's manipulated stripes below.

Mary Ellen's composition with stripes. Yikes I can't remember whose the lower one is, but a wonderful two colour study!

Next came a whole week at Asilomar with the full version of THINK LIKE AN ARTIST. Each day brought two exercises concentrating on a particular element or principle of art.

Janice was a newbie to art quilting! A very talented and determined artist.

Here am I critiquing Josephine's portraits.

Del's black and white study...a delightful bathroom!

Another quilt maverick, Cindy made her triptych from her beautiful portrait of the previous day.


Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

You are the best teacher Pamela. Your students turned out a beautiful body of work!
And your place in Nova Scotia sounds like heaven.

Louise in SW Saskatchewan said...

Rats!!! Of course you would be in Mahone Bay now that I live in Saskatchewan. The bunch in Mahone Bay is very talented and open to new things. I do miss the ocean, but I love my wide open prairie skies....... been seeing a lot of the landscape lately and loving every minute of it.